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Mr.Ryou Toda san

Model of the car :REGARD

Term of use:6/23 ~ 6/25  3nights

Q How was the trip in Hokkaido with Camper van ?

   Would you recommend your friends?

On a schedule which can not be usually, to was able to travel,

  was the car itself comfortable.

Moreover, I want to use if there is opportunity

  and I would like to recommend it to my friends!

Q How was our service?  Are you satisfied?

Even if the return time was delayed for a while,

    I corresponded pleasantly.     I explained the explanation in an easy-to-understand manner!

Q Are there any service we are not providing that you would like to see us provide?

There was not anything we wanted any further ....


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RENTACAN Hokkaido Store

1-8-8, Inaho, Chitose-shi, hokkaido, 066-0029, Japan(near by Chitose Airport)

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